
Journal -00-

Design is more than meets the eye…

What’s universal is that life is different now. Like any other pocket of existence, that difference has been felt in the world of art and design. In this world, the eye has always symbolised insight, wisdom, protective oversight (surveillance?), and enlightenment. For Lookbook’s inaugural journal, we asked incredible makers, designers and artists from around the country and around the world who have tapped into that symbolism to talk to us about it, and about the year they’ve had. Their answers do what their work often does — show the world its reflection — except this time we made them write it down. 

– Team Lookbook

Introducing our first LOOKBOOK Journal 00 : ‘THE EYE’.

As the dust settles on 2020, a year that challenged perceptions and paradigms and the way we see the world, we wanted to look at design a little differently, too, and invite a sharing of different points of views. 

LOOKBOOK’s goal is to showcase, spotlight and support the decor and design industry, as well as the creatives who tell those stories. For this inaugural journal, we’ve curated a mix of personal essays, lookbooks, and visually-rich art, decor, design, interior, architecture and culture stories that encourage a new way of seeing. 

‘Design is more than meets the eye’ and we hope to offer – through the editor’s eye – a fresh, fun and inspiring way to look at the world we inhabit.